Disposable Black Latex Gloves

Black latex gloves have become essential for a wide range of industries. They offer needed protection and functionality while being available in a range of options to suit different needs.

These gloves have been widely embraced in the medical, research, food service, janitorial, automotive maintenance, manufacturing, and cosmetic industries.



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Latex is durable enough to provide a reliable barrier against contaminants and other dangerous or messy substances, ensuring the safety of both professionals and their customers. All this comes with a tight fit, and the tactile sensitivity workers need to perform precise tasks.

At Gloves.com, we recognize that our customers have a wide range of needs, so we offer various appropriate options. Choose from an assortment of sizes — from XS to XXL — and a range of thicknesses from 4 mil to 9 mil in a rainbow of colors and materials.

Or stick with the classic black that maintains a sharp, uniform look even when heavily soiled with ink or grease.

We also offer the option to buy in bulk, which allows you to save money while you stock up. To make saving money even more straightforward, orders over $99 ship free.

Need help figuring out what you need? Contact us to request samples first, and ensure you’re getting exactly what you want before taking advantage of our bulk savings!

At Gloves.com, our commitment to quality is unwavering. We take pride in providing high-quality disposable gloves that meet industry standards for safety and durability.

Person giving another person a hand tattoo, wearing black gloves

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do people wear black latex gloves?

Black gloves hide stains, making them particularly popular among tattoo artists working with inks and hair stylists dealing with dyes. In surgical and medical settings, the color conceals stains during exams and helps differentiate between different glove materials or prevent cross-contamination and latex-contact-triggered allergies.

What do the colors of latex gloves mean?

The color of a pair of latex gloves doesn’t necessarily have a meaning, but specific industries often use particular colors. For example, white and blue gloves, especially powder-free latex exam gloves, are standard in the healthcare industry. In contrast, as mentioned earlier, latex black gloves are popular in industries where people don’t want their gloves to show stains.

Where to buy black latex gloves?

Are you regularly searching for “black latex gloves near me?” Gloves.com offers a wide selection of black latex gloves in different sizes and quantities to meet individual or business needs. Browse our site for black latex gloves in various sizes and thicknesses, as well as great gloves in other materials and colors. We keep lots of black latex gloves in stock.

Will latex gloves protect you from electricity?

Latex gloves are not designed for protection against electricity. They can conduct electricity and pose a serious safety risk if used in live electrical work situations.